Every plan starts with a problem and every business starts with a plan. This is where we didn’t take off in a luxury office or a boardroom alongside a huge venture capital. All we had was our confidence, compassion, and the idea that didn’t appear overnight. It took many late nights, rolled-up sleeves, and steely fortitude.

Mr. Conrad  started his professional career in the security industry over 5 years ago as a security guard in Atlanta. Owing to his passion for law enforcement since he was young, it led him to study criminology at Monroe College and also acquire his undergraduate degree in Science and Criminal Justice.

Having years of experience along with several professional licenses, knowing the struggles of businesses to find the best quality security service provider led him to the establishment of his business to help them achieve their goals of working stress-free knowing that their lives and assets are protected by the best.

What he learned was the problem was not with people, but with the services being put out. He looked at the available resources, all over you could find security businesses charging ridiculous amounts whereas other service providers promising to be the best, BUT you pay for the and receive 1/10th of quality and dedication that was promised. There is a lack of passion and to know what people really need.

That’s when it struck that the idea of businesses suffering to find affordable and quality security right at their doorstep while struggling just couldn’t sit right with him and he started looking deeper to understand, learn, and expert it, while developing a business to help and assist more people with ease and conveniently.

 Conrad  decided to set up Mass Security as the cornerstone to fulfilling his passion as it has been a standout among the toughest, yet pleasing challenges he has come across in his life.

Our focus is to facilitate clients by providing security services most professionally as we strive to provide the highest-level and cutting-edge services to protect our clients and maintain smooth operation.


Mass Security was founded with a sole vision to facilitate and ensure that businesses always have the most top-notch security at their disposal to ensure that their property and assets stay protected and secured. We strive to make sure that businesses feel safe and secure while doing business.
At Mass Security, we understand your goal and are fully committed to solving real-life challenges when it comes to protecting your hard-earned assets and resources by providing you with high quality, individualized modern security allowing you to operate with safety, peace of mind, and convenience.

A range of security guard services

For us, being a one-stop shop for security guard services means being able to meet and adapt to our clients’ needs—whether they are in North America, South America, Europe, Africa or the Middle East.


Tailored solutions

If you need help defining the unique security requirements of your organization, look no further than our account managers. They work with you to determine your needs, then put a bespoke security plan in place.


Cutting-edge technology

Our security guards are supported by the latest technological innovations, including GTrack—which improves response times in the event of an emergency, allowing you to make better security-related decisions.


Health, safety and training certifications

Enjoy total confidence in our security guards knowing they have the training, as well as the health and safety certifications they need to protect what is important to you.

Security guard sitting on a chair at the entrance to the indoor


Cropped image of security guards arresting offender and talking by portable radio
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, we go the extra mile to hire one of the best and experienced security personal to work with ensuring to deliver modern, professional, and vigilant guards for all our clients alike. We work with our experienced instructors to deliver training and mentoring programs to our staff as their experience and vision are priceless.
Happy Clients
Projects Completed
Years Of Experience
Team Members
Our number one goal is to protect your assets and life in the best ways possible and for that reason, our security personal go through a combination of classroom instructions and hands-on training on cutting-edge equipment guaranteeing to prepare all our guard for when it matters.


To establish this base is an art, therefore we always work closely with clients to make sure that they’re provided the right resources and set up to get the desired peace of mind. We ensure that all our guards are well versed and deliver professional service to each of our clients, no matter the size.
Mass Security makes sure that whatever decision we take, our clients and employees are involved equally. Their feedback matters and for us, it has always been important to know their opinion as it carries value.


Mass Security aims to provide Outstanding security to all our clients while Never compromising on quality, integrity, and most importantly safety. We strive for Excellence towards supporting and delivering quality, unparalleled value, and constantly exceeding the bar on our performance. Together, we are the ONE!

Who We Assist Is Profoundly Engrained in Who We Value

In short, we have your back. Offering quality, comprehensive, and professional services along with facilitating you every step through are our method of setting up your security. That is the reason we measure our accomplishment in your fulfillment.

Presently like never before businesses are utilizing our services to celebrate and enjoy doing business safely, to help their day-by-day activities securely, which streamlines their operation. We fully go the extra mile to ensure that we deliver protection and empowering our clients to continue their work while never compromising on security.

We proudly live up to our mission and are set on a course to assist and support clients while building up safe communities. Being a notable name in the industry for being the best executed with the help of our talented team members, our name is admired, appreciated, and regarded.

When you chose to hire us; you’re choosing highly trained, dedicated, and experienced security officers who are willing and able to go the extra mile to maintain and secure a safe environment while keeping your employees and clientele safe. Our experienced security guards are trained to protect your real estate, equipment, and personnel from threats such as burglary, assault, and vandalism.

Mass Security is delighted to serve clients from various backgrounds as our duty is to serve them with no discrimination. We deliver what you deserve and desire.

Our team

Our Security Expert

Join our team of more than 122,000 professionals around the world. There are always great opportunities for the best security talent to join Mass Security and grow professionally.

Jhon Doe

CCTV Enggineer

Jhon Doe

Alastair West

Security SPV

Alastair West

Hermione Flores

CCTV Enggineer

Hermione Flores